5 Steps for Disinfecting Your Gym with Fitness Center Antibacterial Spray - Clear Gear

5 Steps for Disinfecting Your Gym

fitness center antibacterial spray

Gyms and fitness studios are under serious scrutiny these days. Whether your facilities operating indoors or outdoors, disinfection is essential for protecting your members, staff and facility. Gyms are a breeding ground for germs—and with COVID-19 lingering and the presence of other harmful germs, it’s essential to level up your protocols with an EPA-registered fitness center antibacterial spray and a vigilant disinfection schedule.

Here are steps you can take to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and kill germs that cause the flu, common colds, ringworm, athlete’s foot, staph/MRSA and other infections that thrive in gyms.

1. Establish a Protocol

Good policies and protocols help gyms and fitness studios run safely and smoothly. Train your staff on best practices for safely and effectively cleaning the facility and equipment. Hold a mandatory staff training session to show them how to clean and disinfect properly. Designate use of only an EPA-registered athletic gear disinfectant like Clear Gear that kills COVID-19 and other germs.

2. Follow a Schedule

Create a regular cleaning schedule with specific instructions for cleaning everything from the front desk, fitness equipment and retail area to locker rooms and bathrooms. Assign staff members to time slots and keep a log so that they are accountable for completing tasks.

3. Encourage Members to Disinfect Equipment

Sweaty gym equipment harbors nasty germs and spreads infectious diseases. Add a clause to your membership policy requiring members to wipe down equipment after use and establish consequences for those that don’t adhere. Make bottles of athletic gear disinfectant easily accessible for member use—you may even want to sell 8 oz bottles of an EPA-registered disinfectant like Clear Gear at the front desk. Hang signage to promote wiping down equipment before and after every use. Provide hand sanitizer stations throughout your facility and make sure soap is available in the restrooms and locker rooms.

4. Disinfect High-Traffic Areas Regularly

Schedule multiple cleanings throughout the day and regular deep cleanings during times when your facility is closed. Make sure whoever cleans wears protective gear and that the space is well-ventilated. All high-touch surfaces and high-traffic areas should be thoroughly wiped down and disinfected with athletic gear disinfectant. Pay special attention to light switches, doorknobs, floors; and faucets, as well as surfaces in locker rooms, the front desk area and back office.

5. Hit the Gear

Target free weights, barbells, cardio machines, exercise mats, foam rollers and other gym equipment several times throughout the day. Spray these items with Clear Gear athletic gear disinfectant, wipe and let dry. Clear Gear is perfect for all gym equipment because it contains no bleach, alcohol or ammonia and will not cause damage or corrosion. Clean and disinfect rubber flooring and encourage the staff to spray the bottoms of their shoes with Clear Gear throughout the day.

Click here to learn more about our powerful fitness center antibacterial spray.

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