Your Cold and Flu Checklist - Clear Gear athletic -gear-disinfectant

Your Cold and Flu Checklist

athletic gear disinfectant

Colds and the flu are on the rise! It’s time to put a plan in place to protect yourself and your family from these nasty illnesses. From hand washing and avoiding crowds to stocking up on athletic gear disinfectant, there are ways to prevent the spread of colds and the flu in your house and to prepare for when they strike.

Colds and the flu are so similar that it can be difficult to know the difference. Both are viral and attack your airways. While symptoms are nearly identical, influenza typically presents more severely. Either way, they both cause misery and can quickly spread throughout the household. The good news is, you can prepare for colds and the flu with the following tips.

Wash Hands Religiously

Washing your hands is one of the best ways to stop germs in their tracks. Teach kids to wash their hands thoroughly before AND after using the restroom, eating, recess—pretty much anytime they’re touching a lot of surfaces or exposed to other kids. Thorough washing means for a minimum of 20 seconds with soap.

Stock Up

Load up on supplies so that you’re ready for anything. Stock up on tissues, hand soap, paper towels, hand sanitizer, cough drops, hot tea, chicken soup and a stellar athletic gear disinfectant like Clear Gear.

Use Paper Goods

If a cold or flu strikes in your home, switch out the hand towels in the bathroom and dish towels in the kitchen with paper towels. Opt for paper cups and throw them out after every use.

Don’t Recycle

A mistake many make is to keep using the same tissue over and over again. Avoids this! Blow your nose and immediately throw out the tissue.


Spray high-touch items with a hardcore athletic gear disinfectant to kill germs. Be sure to hit light switches, doorknobs, faucet and toilets regularly. Wipe down remote controls and cellphones with a microfiber cloth.

Medicate Properly

What many people don’t realize is that antibiotics cannot be used to treat the viruses that cause the cold and influenza. Since they both usually resolve on their own in a week to 10 days, you can really only treat the symptoms. If symptoms present very severely, it’s best to see a doctor to be certain of what the illness is. Definitely visit a doctor if symptoms linger more than 10 days.

Get a Flu Shot

The Center for Disease Control recommends that everyone six months or older get a yearly flu vaccine.

Don’t let a flu or cold knock you and your loved ones out! Visit this link to learn how our athletic gear disinfectant helps prevent sickness from spreading throughout your home, school or workplace.

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