How to Clean & Disinfect Football Pads and Helmets - Clear Gear

How to Disinfect Football Pads & Helmets

Disinfect Football Pads and Helmets

Clean, germ-free football gear is one of the most important things for keeping football players healthy. Outbreaks of staph/MRSA, ringworm, impetigo, Athlete’s foot, COVID-19, flu and even herpes are common among players, from high school to college level and pro football teams. This makes thorough disinfection of football gear an absolute priority. Football pads and helmets can harbor nasty germs and odors from sweat that can spread exponentially with improper storage and cleaning. Failure to disinfect equipment with football disinfectant spray in between each use significantly increases the risk of infection and almost guarantees nasty odors.

As clean gear experts, we’re sharing our specific tips for killing germs and odors with Clear Gear football disinfectant spray.

Start With the Player

Start with the basics—the player. Proper hygiene gives players a healthy start right out of the gate. Make sure that players wash their hands thoroughly with soap before and after handling pads, helmets and other gear. Promote showering after every practice and game and washing hands again after visiting the restroom. Stash hand sanitizer in the gym and locker room and tell players to never share personal items like towels or soap.

Clean & Disinfect Football Pads

Step 1: Remove Visible Dirt From Pads

As simple as it sounds, this is an essential step to properly clean and disinfect football pads. Shake or brush off any loose or visible dirt.

Step 2: Disinfect and Deodorize
Gently remove the padding portion that covers the plastic “shell” of the pads. Spray all the plastic areas on the football pads with a non-bleach disinfectant like Clear Gear that won’t damage the pads. Set gear out to dry thoroughly. Next, give the padding some disinfectant love by spraying thoroughly. This will kill 99.9 percent of germs and help keep pads smelling fresh throughout the season. If pads have been neglected, remove them and let them soak in a larger dousing application of Clear Gear sports gear spray. Always make sure pads have time to thoroughly dry in between disinfecting treatments and wearing.

Step 3: Repeat After Every Use

Football players must deodorize and disinfect football pads after every single use to prevent against infection and odor. Be certain that football gear is clean every time players get dressed.

Step 4: Store Carefully
Players should never stuff damp or dirty pads into enclosed spaces like a gym bag or locker. This will only cause bacteria to breed and greatly contributes to “football pad funk.” Spray pads with Clear Gear football disinfecting spray before storing.

Clean & Disinfect Football Helmets

Step 1: Remove the Helmet’s Inner Lining
Most football helmets are equipped with removable antimicrobial moisture wick lining. Simply detach the Velcro from the padding at the top, bottom and sides of the shell. Slide or remove the padding gently so you don’t cause damage.

Step 2: Remove All Visible and Loose Dirt
Remove all loose dirt from the helmet and its padding.

Step 3: Disinfect and Deodorize
Spray everything thoroughly with Clear Gear non-bleach disinfectant. Since Clear Gear Spray is water-based and contains no bleach, alcohol, ammonia or peroxide, it won’t break down fibers of the material or leave behind noxious fumes. Allow the padding and lining to dry thoroughly. Spray the inside of the helmet thoroughly and allow it to air dry while the padding is drying.

Step 4: Repeat After Each Use
Like with all other gear, disinfection is a must after each use.

Disinfecting with Clear Gear will help players stay in the game and keep gear smelling fresh and clean.

For more information on disinfecting your football pads, helmets and other gear, read our updated article: How to Disinfect Football Gear.


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