How to De-Funk Your Laundry - Clear Gear odor killing spray

How to De-Funk Your Laundry

odor killing spray

Let’s face it—sometimes regular detergent doesn’t cut it when it comes to getting rid of laundry odors. This is especially true when you have a workout fanatic, athlete, children or pets in the house. The stank from sweat, pet odors and whatever else has invaded your clothing can permeate your entire laundry load. Odors can be very difficult to remove no matter how much you experiment with detergents and “natural” methods like adding baking soda to the wash. The good news is, your favorite odor killing spray, Clear Gear de-funks clothes too! It does this safely and effectively while killing 99.9 of the germs that cause colds, the flu and other infectious illnesses.

Whether your partner brings home a locker back full of stench or your kids spill something stinky on their clothes, here is how to launch a next level attack on those odors.


Clear Gear is more than a killer disinfectant spray—it can be used as a laundry pre-treatment, the same way you use a stain remover pre-wash. It’s specifically designed to kill odors and germs on everything from athletic gear and athleisure wear to winter jackets and shoes. Spray Clear Gear onto workout clothes, uniforms, exercise bras, shoes, sheets, towels and anything else that can go in the washing machine. Let the laundry sit for five minutes or so and then wash. This will eliminate odors and residue, while also helping to clean and remove stains.

The Long Haul

If you’re in a rush and don’t have time immediately after a sports event or workout to do laundry, spray your smelly, sweaty items with Clear Gear after use. This will stop odors from festering and germs from breeding on your sweaty gear. For best results, pre-treat using the steps above once you do have time to do laundry.

Visit this link to learn more about our powerful odor killing spray and the many ways to use it.

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