Spots at the Gym That Need Gym Disinfectant - Clear Gear

The Germiest Spots at the Gym

gym disinfectant and sports deodorizer

If you’re working on your fitness and hitting the gym more than usual, it’s important to protect yourself against germs that thrive in sweaty environments. Even if your immune system is strong, it’s essential to arm yourself with knowledge, caution, and of course, a powerful gym disinfectant and sports deodorizer.

The gym is a breeding ground for germs that cause infections and odors. The good news is, you can stay healthy and hygienic without giving up your workout. Read on to learn what the germiest spots at the gym are and how you can prevent infections.

Exercise Mats

Exercise and yoga mats are made of spongy material that soak up sweat and create a hotbed of germs, especially when used by different people throughout the day. Studies show that mats left untreated can host up to 100,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter! The bacteria and viruses that exercise mats harbor spread everything from acne, skin infections and toenail fungus to serious conditions like strep, herpes and staph infections. Bring your own mat to the gym and exercise class whenever possible. If this isn’t an option, get to class early and thoroughly disinfect the mat you plan to use with antibacterial spray for gym equipment.

Free Weights

Germs fester like crazy on free weights and dumbbells, which makes sense considering how many different hands touch them. Research conducted by FitRated in 2017 showed that free weights contain more than 360 times the amount of bacteria found on toilet seats! Spray weights with gym disinfectant and wipe down before and after you use them and wash your hands immediately after working out.

Cardio Machines

Your favorite piece of cardio equipment—whether it’s the stationary bike, treadmill or elliptical—is teeming with germs. FitRated’s study found that an ordinary treadmill hosts 70 times more bacteria than an ordinary water faucet. Don’t count on the person who used the cardio equipment before you to wipe it down. Disinfect every inch of it yourself before and after each use with an EPA-registered antibacterial spray for gym equipment like Clear Gear. Hit everything from the pedals and handlebars to the water bottle holder and display screen.

Water Fountains

While many water fountains may contain harsh chemicals like chlorine that fight germs, they also host mold and rust. Mold carries bacteria and viruses that cause respiratory infections and rust can cause tetanus when in contact with broken skin. Skip the risk altogether and bring your own water bottle to the gym.

Gym Sinks

Studies show that sinks are the germiest spots in the gym. Locker room and bathroom sinks harbor nasty germs that cause skin infections, septicemia, pneumonia and meningitis, among other serious illnesses. Use a disinfectant wipe or paper towel to touch faucet handles or reduce your risk of exposure by using antibacterial hand sanitizer until you can access a less risky sink.

Click through to learn how Clear Gear gym disinfectant and sports equipment odor spray can help make the gym a safer place to work out.

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