Clear Gear News | Bleach-Free Disinfectant & Sports Odor Spray - Clear Gear


Your Best Defense Against Germs & Odors

Disinfecting baseball gear

How to Disinfect Baseball Gear

Disinfecting baseball gear is essential if you want to knock germs out of the park. Outbreaks of infections like staph/MRSA, COVID-19 and the flu are

travel size disinfectant spray

5 Tips for Safe Holiday Travel

If you’re traveling this holiday season, it’s essential to protect yourself against germs. Airports, airplanes and ground transportation are breeding grounds for germs that cause

Keep gym clean with disinfectant spray and wipe down equipment

How to Keep Your Gym Clean

Keeping your gym clean is critical to the success of your business, as well as the health of your members and staff. When clients sweat,

How to Clean Yoga Mats

How to Clean Yoga Mats

Yoga mats are the ultimate breeding ground for germs. They’re exposed to sweat, oil and dirt on a regular basis, which explains why they get

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