How to Avoid Germs at the Office - Clear Gear

How to Avoid Germs at the Office

first responder equipment bacterial spray

Let’s face it—germs are everywhere, especially the workplace. By the time you fire up your computer, you’ve probably been exposed to loads of germs and bacteria. That’s why you need an antibacterial spray with the strength to disinfect everything from sports gear to first responder equipment.

Offices contain many high touch areas that expose you serious illnesses and infections. Here are some of the most germ-ridden areas in the office.

Door Handles

One of the germiest areas you can touch is the office door’s knob or handle. People stream in and out all day long, leaving behind nasty and sometimes contagious bacteria. Your best line of defense is to avoid actually touching the door and wash your hands when you do.


Many studies show that office phones harbor more bacteria than a toilet. While people often use toilet seat covers or wipe it down, they rarely disinfect phones. This makes them a breeding ground for dangerous bacteria like staph, MRSA and E. coli. Wipe phones down with Clear Gear and let it dry before and after every use.

Elevator Buttons

If you work in a building, chances are you spend some time in an elevator. The larger the building, the greater the exposure. Just think about all the employees and guests coming in and out on a daily basis. Try to let someone else press the buttons if you can.

Escalator Railings

When you work in a building large enough to have an escalator, you can be sure that the railings are a hotspot for germs. These railings are typically composed of a rubber material that harbors bacteria like crazy. They’re also rarely cleaned, making them a breeding ground for viruses and infection. If you absolutely need to touch the railings, wash your hands immediately afterward.

Coffee Cups

Coffee cups harbor loads of bacteria because people pick them up and touch them, even when they don’t end up using them. You can’t count on others to wash them well either. Keep things simple—bring your own mug to work.

If working from home is not an option, take the following steps to protect yourself from workplace germs. Avoid touching the germ-ridden areas we mention above as much as possible and wash your hands thoroughly throughout the day to reduce exposure. Arm yourself with something strong like Clear Gear, the premier first responder equipment antibacterial spray, to give you next level protection against illness and infections. Spray and wipe down your office, telephones and any other areas you can to minimize your risk of getting sick.

Click this link to learn more about Clear Gear, the premier sports gear and first responder equipment antibacterial spray.

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