Take Care of Your Baseball Helmet With Sports Protective Gear Spray

How to Take Care of Your Baseball Helmet

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Baseball helmets play a critical role in keeping athletes safe and healthy. While there have been advances in helmet safety in recent years, a completely concussion-proof baseball batting helmet does not exit. Therefore, it’s important to find the safest baseball helmet possible to help prevent brain injuries a critical mission. It’s also important to clean it properly with sports protective gear spray to prevent infections and dangerous skin conditions.

Get the Right Size

Size is everything when it comes to baseball helmets, so try them on in-person before purchasing. Take a measurement of your head using a soft tape measure. Wrap it around your head, just above your eyebrows to get an accurate measurement. Keep in mind that sizes vary across different companies and manufacturers.

Make Sure it Fits Correctly

The most important aspect of the perfect batter’s helmet is how much of your head it covers and if your vision is affected. Make sure that the size you choose is a solid general fit for your head. When you put on your helmet, it should fit snugly and there should be no space between the pads and your head. Don’t wear a baseball cap underneath because it will affect the way it fits your head and overall safety. Also consider how your hairstyle will affect how your helmet fits.

Protect Your Helmet

Before wearing your helmet, it’s important to make sure there are no cracks or breaks. You can prevent these from happening by taking care of your helmet and not leaving it in spots where it might get damaged. Often times, helmets crack when someone steps on or sits down on them. Another important thing you can do to protect your helmet is store it correctly. Store it out of direct sunlight in a room that is neither too hot nor too cold.

Clean Your Baseball Helmet Regularly

It’s essential to regularly clean your baseball helmets and other sports gear with a powerful sports protective gear spray like Clear Gear. Many different types of bacteria can fester in your baseball helmets and make you vulnerable to viruses or infections. Clear Gear is scientifically formulated to protect you from dangerous germs and bacteria throughout the season.

Visit this link for more information on Clear Gear, the sports protective gear spray that combats odor and infections.

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